5 Ways to Aviod Getting Sued When Posting Online

The online as a medium has become a central tool in the modern world.  As popularity switches to online material it is important to understand the legal components to avoid getting sued when posting online.  By having a general understanding regarding legality online your content is safe to be viewed and shared across platforms.  Below are five ways to avoid legal liabilities on the web:

  1. Cheaters never prosper. Stealing intellectual property of another is a very big issue.  Publishing the works of others without consent from the original owner is grounds for liability.
  2. Not sure it’s true…don’t post it! Any information that would harm a reputation, do not publish it.  Anything that harms a reputation, the reputations of a person, group, or organization are all protected from defamation and false light.
  3. Permission, permission, permission.  So important it had to be stated three times.  Private or personal facts can only be published with permission.  Though everything might be factual, without permission it could lead to legal liability.
  4. If you don’t have anything nice to say…then don’t write it. Problematic comments will lead to problems.  Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act will protect you from third-party statements but it cannot cover all your bases.  Make sure you watch out for potential problematic areas.
  5. Secrets, secrets are no fun!  If you are being paid to endorse a product from a company, this must be stated.  It is most important that your reveal any relationships with companies.

With great power comes great responsibility.  Online opens so many endless possibilities.  Unfortunately, these possibilities also come with potential for legal troubles.  It is important to keep up with correct procedures and legal components of utilizing online media.  Beginning with these five easy ways to avoid being sued is a great place to start.

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